
Ranking is part of a challenge, but it is not the aim of it. This must be a motivation factor, no more.

6.1 Ranking is always subjective: % of points for different criteria (safety, timing, comfort, ..., fair play, respect of the rules, ...). Change the criteria and the whole ranking changes.
排名总是主观的:不同计分点的分数百分比(安全,耗时,舒适度,…,公平竞争,尊重规则……)。如果我们改变计分点,整个排名就会改变。6.2 You have rules and some team try to get around it to get more rest, for example : if we say victim and team leader can't be changed, some do it, this is unfair has mentioned above.参赛者都了解比赛规则,而有的队伍试图避开规则以得到更多的休息。例如,当我们提出伤员和领队不可以替换的时候,有些队伍依旧会进行人员替换,这种做法违反了上述的公平竞争原则。6.3 Some teams are accompanied by a photographer or a friend who try to see some scenarios before their team arrive to give them info about it.有的队伍有随队摄影师或者随行的朋友提前达到比赛地点勘察并提供场地信息。6.4 Some external controllers are more strict with a certain teams in order to give an advantage to their own team. The list goes on, I've seen that every year, because people think ranking is the most important, they‘re wrong !有的外部评核员会对其他队伍采用更严格的计分标准以增加自己所在队伍的优势。这些情况一直在持续,我每年都会看到的,因为参赛者认为排名是最重要的, 但事实上他们错了。

总结/ 理念
Exchanging and learning, We are all firefighters, we face risk in many parts of our job, everywhere we want to limit the risk to the minimum. We are all part of the Rope rescue family and the final goal of the GRIMPDAY is not to perform but well to improve our abilities, skills, knowledge, to raise our safety level and therefore the one of the victims.交流和学习。我们都是消防员,工作中很多方面面临着风险,我们希望在任何地方都能将风险降到最低。我们都是绳索救援家庭中的一员,GRIMPDAY的最终目的不是为了表演,而是为了更好的能力提升、技术精进、知识扩充,为了提高安全系数去解救伤员。

The growth of Grimpday to the international lets us see many technics and wider the range of our experiences. It makes us better.If you got to sleep knowing more than you did in the morning, you've done the right thing.
I hope you gonna share this feeling tonight.